13 Signs You Grew Up as a Fangirl

We were there, it was rare, we remember it all too well…
Having a strong emotional bond and enthusiasm for a specific band, artist, TV series, movie, book series, or even fictional character is what it means to be a fangirl. It’s far more deep-rooted than many outside of these communities can imagine. It’s more than just a mere interest. Whether your fangirl tendancies display by going to concerts, writing fan fiction, sharing posts online, or creating fan art, these activities are a hallmark trait of the subculture.
Growing up as a fangirl often means forming strong emotional ties not just to the content but also to the people you meet along the way. Whether it’s belting out your favourite song or defending a beloved fictional character in an online debate, being a fangirl is all about passion, dedication, and an unapologetic love for what makes you happy.
So if you’ve ever stayed up late for a midnight release, covered your walls with posters, or spent hours crafting the perfect playlist, this article is for you. Are you ready to relive your early fangirl days? Here are 13 memories that will take you right back to where your fangirl journey began.
You had a fan account (Or several – we’re not judging!)
Were you truly a fangirl if you weren’t tweeting your opinions from a devoted fan account? Whether it was on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or even lesser-known platforms of the time, these accounts weren’t just for scrolling, oh no. They were carefully curated spaces where you could post updates, trade theories, share inside jokes, and even showcase fan art. Every detail mattered, from the perfect bio to a username that almost certainly included your favorite artist’s or character’s name (sometimes with an excessive amount of underscores or numbers because the ideal handle was already taken).
And let’s not forget the backup accounts. True fangirls knew the struggle of a sudden suspension, deactivation, or even just the need for a “secret” space to vent even deeper feelings. Having an alternate account (or two) was practically a necessity.
You tried to learn a new language if their native one wasn’ t your own
Being a dedicated fan meant going beyond just enjoying the music, shows, or performances. You wanted to understand every word, every lyric, and every phrase in its original language. Maybe your love for Latin pop motivated you to polish your Spanish skills, or your obsession with anime led you to dive into Japanese. If you’re a part of a K-pop fan, chances are you found yourself memorising Hangul and picking up Korean phrases from your favourite songs and variety shows.
Your fandom likely fueled your dedication to keeping that Duolingo streak alive, watching subtitled interviews, or even practicing pronunciation so you could sing along flawlessly. And the best part? What started as a fangirl-driven mission may have given you skills that stuck with you long after.
You had posters covering every inch of your walls
No empty space was safe. You had posters on the walls, ceilings, and even the back of your bedroom door that were either printed from fan sites or torn from magazines. And if you were truly dedicated, you didn’t stop at just a few posters. You crafted entire collages, creating an artistic masterpiece that showcased your devotion. Maybe you meticulously arranged photos, ticket stubs, and magazine clippings into a gallery wall that acted as a daily source of joy and inspiration.
Midnight releases were sacred
When your favourite artist or band was gearing up for a new release, time zones simply didn’t exist. Whether it meant staying up until midnight – or pulling an all-nighter – you were there, eagerly counting down the seconds until their latest song, album, or project dropped. Streaming parties became a ritual, where you and fellow fans celebrated together, hitting replay over and over to boost those numbers.
And if you went the extra mile – buying multiple copies of an album just to help with chart rankings – you were definitely in deep. You knew every strategy: streaming on a loop (but making sure to space out plays so they counted), purchasing from different platforms, and maybe even convincing friends or family to grab a copy too.
You wrote or read fanfiction
For many fans, fanfiction was at the heart of their fandom experience. Platforms like Wattpad, Tumblr, Archive of Our Own (AO3), and FanFiction.net were spaces where creativity thrived, and stories allowed you to truly create your own narrative. Even if you never put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), chances are you spent hours scrolling through fics, waiting for updates, and living in the comment sections. You might have left enthusiastic reviews, showering your favorite authors with praise, or joined heated discussions about headcanons and theories.
Concerts were life changing events
Forget about putting money aside for anything traditionally useful. Saving money for practical things? Not a chance. Every bit of your allowance or paycheck from your part-time job went straight into concert tickets, limited-edition albums, and all the merch you could get your hands on. Live performances were experiences that you looked forward to for months. You’d plan every detail, from what to wear to what time you needed to line up for the best spot. The excitement would build as the days got closer, and the anticipation was almost as thrilling as the show itself.
You defended your faves like it was your job
Online or offline, slander was not accepted. You were not hesitant to have a nice (or not-so-friendly) argument, and you had receipts ready to put to rest any misconceptions. Nobody was immune to your thoughtful clap backs, especially online trolls.
Fandom friendships were (and still are) real
Some of your closest friendships may have started in the comments section of a post or through late-night DMs. Even if you’ve never met in person, these connections can feel just as meaningful as friendships formed in real life. There’s something special about finding people who understand your enthusiasm on a deep level, whether it’s breaking down theories, hyping up new releases, or offering support when a plot twist leaves you emotionally wrecked. Fandom friendships often go beyond the content itself, creating a space where you can be yourself without judgment.
You had OTPs (One True Pairings) and shipped endlessly
Shipping was serious business, whether it was between two real-life celebrities you swore had chemistry, a fictitious couple from your favourite book series, or a couple from a television series. You made mood boards, wrote fanfiction, and perhaps even engaged in heated debates with others who supported rival pairings.
You got emotional over milestones
You definitely cried at two in the morning over your faves’ first award win, album anniversary, or heartwarming Instagram post. Every accomplishment was praised as though it were your own because, somehow, it seemed that way.
You knew all the choreography (even if you couldn’t dance)
This is particularly for you, K-pop fanatics. You spent hours in front of the mirror, perfecting every step, rewinding the music video again and again until you got it just right. Even if your coordination wasn’t the best, that never stopped you. You were determined to nail every move, especially the iconic ones from the chorus.
You secretly hoped your fave would notice you online
There was always that little spark of hope with every post, tweet, or comment: What if they saw this? It was that exciting possibility that made sharing feel so special. Every follow, like, or retweet felt like a major win – a moment of validation that could light up your entire day. And to actually receive the interaction? Like winning the lottery. It would have then become your phone’s wallpaper for a least a month afterward.
You still hold onto these memories
The memories of those restless nights filled with excitement, the deep connections with friends who shared your passions, and the life-changing performances will always hold a special place in your heart. Even if your fangirl days feel like they’re behind you, those moments have shaped who you are in ways that will never fade.
In truth, those experiences aren’t something you’d ever want to trade. Once a fangirl, always a fangirl, right?