
Dancing Don’t Feel Right, Unless it’s to Adult Leisure’s New Track

Image: press

Dancing Don’t Feel Right is the new anthemic indie-pop banger from Bristol based group Adult Leisure.

Riding high following the success of their previous single Kiss Me Like You Miss Her the band are back and catchy as ever with the new hedonistic track. Recorded and mixed by Ollie Searle at Humm Studios and mastered by John Webber the song infuses a plethora of references and sounds across its three minutes. 

Opening with tight indie guitars and singer Neil Scott’s soulful voice before progressing into a big sing along chorus, the single showcases the group’s expertise in crafting songs that draw you in again and again. Made for hazy summer evening drives, nights spent with friends and one too many beers, the song has elements reminiscent of early Sundara Karma mixed in with Adult Leisure’s own unique indie-pop style. Ironically, despite the title, all you want to do is dance when listening. 

On their inspiration behind the song the group explained “We wanted to create a track that asks listeners to step outside of line, ditch their inhibitions, and give in to the temptation of doing exactly what they shouldn’t. It’s a narrative of inner conflict, desire and rebellion. The track captures the feeling of being on the edge: stuck in a moment where you know you should hold back, but something – or someone – won’t let you. ‘Dancing Don’t Feel Right’ is our way of ignoring responsibility, silencing the voice of reason, and giving in to the forbidden thrill of indulgence. The song is about the urge to let loose, to break out of the mould and do the bad thing.”

Listen to Dancing Don’t Feel Right👇🏼

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