Maya Delilah: Taking The Long Way Round to Find Her Sound

We naturally gravitate towards artists like Maya Delilah, the 24-year-old singer and guitarist from North London who exudes depth, inspiration, and intimacy.
Her soulful music gives out an effortlessness so inviting, you want to start your day with them. She started her musical career by studying the guitar by ear alone, and she quickly began penning her own songs. With over 11 million Spotify plays and millions of TikTok interactions, her single Breakout Season catapulted her career into the spotlight. She has since written even more exquisite and intricate songs, such as her most recent hits Begin Again, Necklace, and Actress, which have earned her a spot on Spotify’s list of 2025 Artist to Watch. Now, with the release of her highly anticipated debut album, we caught up with Maya to learn more about the creation behind The Long Way Round, releasing on March 28th, and the events and inspirations that led to this significant period in her musical career.
A Journey from Science to Music
Unexpectedly, Maya didn’t always choose music. She briefly thought about becoming a surgeon but soon recognised that science was not her forte. Instead, she made the decision to focus on her strongest skill, which was playing the guitar. Her journey took her to The BRIT School, a performing arts school located in London, where she had to concentrate entirely on one field of study. At first, Maya wasn’t sure if she wanted to dedicate herself completely to music. However, her decision became definitive when her mother asked, “What would Prince do?”. Maya, who is a tremendous fan of Prince, felt in her heart that Prince would have picked music, and she agreed. Fuelled by her mother’s constant support, that moment permanently altered the course of her career.
Spotify’s 2025 Artist to Watch
Maya said it was an amazing feeling to be named one of Spotify’s 2025 Artists to Watch. She thought about how strange it was to be acknowledged by a platform she had been using to release her music since she was 19. “It’s been such a journey to get to this point, where people not only know who you are but where the industry starts to notice you too,” she shared. Being on this list was a huge honour for her, noting that she has always enjoyed creating playlists and finding new music on Spotify.
Welcoming Collaboration in Songwriting and Improvisation
The core of Maya’s songwriting process is collaboration, preferring to bounce ideas off other people in the studio rather than writing in her bedroom. She feels that she does best in collaborative environments and that the process takes on different forms depending on who is present. A session with musicians may begin with a jam, but with writers, they generate ideas and construct a universe around them. Her creativity is maintained by this flexible and cooperative approach, which enables her to experiment with many sounds and genres.
Furthermore, her distinctive method of learning the guitar by ear has greatly influenced her improvisational abilities, which in turn have influenced her artistic vision. She clarified that, by removing the academic aspect of music and substituting it with pure enthusiasm, this method enabled her to forge a closer bond with it. “It’s the same with making music,” she said. “Taking so much care and really listening helps me stay present in the process.” Maya also revealed that she struggles with dyslexia, which makes it challenging for her to understand technical terms used at the studio. She prefers to utilise metaphors like “making the chord sound like the rain”, or adjectives like “warmer”, because it places her in a creative zone. For Maya, hearing and experiencing are more important than examining theory when it comes to maintaining a connection to the music.
What’s at the Heart of The Long Way Round
Maya stated that she wants her music to feel like home when asked what message she wants her audience to take away from it. “When I was writing this album, I was listening to a lot of the records I grew up with, and for me, it sounded so nostalgic. That’s what I want my music to feel like, like coming home”. With its themes of discovering yourself and clarity, she hopes her album to be the type of music that people listen to on a chill Sunday morning.
Featuring tracks that capture numerous memories and feelings in her life, the album is incredibly personal. Real-life relationships and experiences inspired Maya to channel her feelings into her music, as evidenced by songs like I’ll Be There in the Morning and Look at the State of Me Now. She explained that I’ll Be There in the Morning was inspired by an unpleasant experience, and that writing the song made her feel lighter and more emotionally in control. Other songs, such as Maya, Maya, Maya, draw inspiration from her early years and more straightforward recollections, including the slight delight she gets when someone says “morning,” a nice moment that perfectly sums up the appealing nature of English country life, as described by Maya.
Additionally, she also incorporates her friends’ experiences into her writing, allowing her to put herself in her friends’ place and relive their memories. To give her music even more realism, she tries to convey the feelings that people would have had during those times.
Getting Past Obstacles During the Formation of The Album
Keeping the sound of her album consistent was one of the most difficult things Maya had to do. She had pressure early in her career to maintain a particular sound because the industry frequently expects up-and-coming musicians to find their niche and stay in it. However, she doesn’t like to be limited by genre. “I get so much inspiration from so many different genres,” she said. Ultimately, she decided not to limit herself to just one lane and, throughout the album, blended a variety of sounds and styles in an effort to embrace this diversity. Despite her concerns that the lack of consistency might not be appreciated by those listening, she eventually adhered to her artistic vision.
Created in North London and Influenced by the Community
Maya’s artistic development was significantly impacted by her upbringing in North London. She expressed her sincere gratitude for London’s collaborative music environment, which gave her the opportunity to make important relationships at a young age. She still collaborates with several of her former BRIT School friends, such as her bassist John, who is present in many of her records. Maya also grew up in a North London jazz band, in which she developed a passion for guitar soloing and polished her improvisational skills.
On a personal level, Maya learnt independence from her upbringing in London. Her perseverance and adaptability were ultimately formed by having to learn how to fend for herself at an early age due to living in a large city. Additionally, it encouraged her to collaborate with others and meet new individuals, which has benefited her artistic career.
A Promising Future for Maya Delilah
As of March 28th, The Long Way Round will be accessible worldwide, putting Maya Delilah at the start of a fascinating new chapter. She stands out in the industry thanks to her ability to fuse genres, her passionate improv style, and her intensely personal compositions. With Spotify naming her one of their 2025 Artists to Watch, Maya is set to have an even greater influence, and her journey is only getting started.